Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ocean's 11 Remake!

They are already remaking OCEANS 11... again! First time was with Sinatra and the Rat Pack, then Clooney and his pals, now they're aiming at a younger audience...

- Bill


  1. I'm a big horror fan and rarely bemoan the deluge of remakes that pockmark that genre - but today on came news of Rod Lurie's remake of Straw Dogs casting a 20-something lead as a screenwriter traveling to his girlfriend's Southern stomping grounds where... blah-blah-blah.

    Sam Peckinpah was one of the greats.

  2. Anonymous3:11 AM

    more disturbing is the remake of The Mechanic with Jason Statham -- disturbing because I knew this would be redone eventually, and distrurbing that I never got to do it ha


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