Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Song Meme

It's going around, saw it on wcdixon's blog...

"Find a song that sums up what you think it means to be a writer and post the lyrics on your blog and why you've chosen it. NB: It doesn't have to be your favourite song, it just has to express how you feel about writing and/or being a writer. It can be literal, metaphorical, about a particular form or aspect of writing - whatever you want. Then tag 5 others to do the same."

So here's my choice...

NOTE: Due to some weird volume thing, you'll have to crank it to hear it - not like she was singing softly.

And I think the lyrics sum it up - there's kind of this love/hate thing with writing, you have to give a piece of your heart... but it makes me feel good. Sometimes it's too painful and you want to give up, but then the writing holds you in its arms...

But basically - this is just an excuse for me to hear one of my favorite songs again... and in someone's weird edit of NIGHTMARE!

- Bill


  1. It refuses to play for me for some reason, but I do love that whole dang movie. Do not let me loose in the Nightmare Before Christmas store in Disneyland.

    Also, heeeeeeeey. Need an assistant for the Expo again?

  2. Mr. Martell, for your information Scott Myers just wrote a VERY FLATTERING post about you in his, "Go Into the Story" blogspot.

    Someone out there likes you...

    - E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA


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