Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Get Off My Lawn!"

There are directors who take years to make a single film... and then there's Clint Eastwood. He made *two* World War 2 movies back-to-back, FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS and LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA. Right now he has THE CHANGELING in cinemas... and a few weeks form now he has another film coming out...

Looks like GRUMPY OLD DEATH WISH - and looks like a movie I'll see on opening day.

- Bill


TODAY'S SCRIPT TIP: The Pitch Reveals how your pitch shows the flaws in your story.
Yesterday’s Dinner: El Pollo Loco... when I could have had a free taco at Taco Bell!

Pages: Monday - 4 pages on the Top Secret Project script, which is also not FREE WILLY. But that's a good guess. We've gone to script! I'm still writing today (Tue) so I don't have a final page count.

Bicycle: I have been cycling regularly - though not today because I did laundry (ah, the romantic life of a Hollywood writer!) and stayed close to home.


  1. I adore Clint Eastwood as a director. I like the way he's soft spoken on set and has great respect for his actors. When I was directing he's the one I emulated.

  2. Totally agree. I freely admit to stealing his saying "Whenever you're ready..." instead of "Action!" I think it's more freeing and calming for the actors.

    And yeah, Gran Torino looks like the shiznit.

  3. Looks great. The thing I love about Eastwood as a director is that now he doesn't have to do one for the studio every time he wants to make one for himself.

    The way he just gets on with it should be a lesson to bods in Hollywood. Earlier this year there was mention that he was considering making Gran Torino and then the next thing you know, here it is. No fuss and nonsense in the trades.

    I mean, I remember some years back seeing the poster for Million Dollar Baby and thinking where the hell did this come from? Over here in the UK it seemed like we had just had the magnificent Mystic River.

    Good on him!

  4. More importantly, Eastwood respects the writers. He's one of the very, very few directors who reads a script, likes it and shoots it as written. And generally does a very good job of it too.

  5. Just read the script... Wow. The perfect Eastwood role at this stage in his life & career. Not what you think it is going to be, but a fine character story and as controversial as Million Dollar Baby. And no actor alive could play this role with the intensity and resonance of Clint. I'd be very surprised if this didn't do well come Oscar time...

  6. In fact, this movie is Unforgiven for the vigilante genre...


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