Saturday, August 02, 2008

The War With SkyNet

You may have noticed that the Friday blog entry was late. Because I sleep late, and you probably don’t, I set up the blog entries ahead of time (usually the night before) and have them timed to pop up the next morning. Though there’s a complicated way to check out what the blog entry will look like before it runs, I usually just wait until I go on line to make sure things aren’t completely screwed up. When I went online Friday, no new blog entry. Did I make a mistake? I checked it out... and it seems my blog had been identified as “spam” by the Google computers. The notice apologized in the event it was not spam and that I was a human being wrongly accused of being a spam robot. I would have to do some things to prove I was human... and this would send a message to one of the six humans employed at Google to manually check out my blog to make sure I wasn’t some *really* clever spam robot that had figured out how to respond like a human to the Google computer’s human verification questions. This may take time...

The thing that frightens me about all of this is that the Google computer shuts down the website on its own... and *later* a human can correct any mistakes.

So begins the war with SkyNet... only John Conners can save us, now...

But maybe it’s already too late.

- Bill


  1. Wow, I've just encountered the same problem! I am apparently a spam blog.
    My name is Neo, come and get me suckas!

    But seriously I hate the way they say their ''spam detecting robots''

    What the hell is a spam blog anyway?

  2. Robots are already identifying some of us as targets...

    - Bill

  3. It's worse than you think.

  4. I had the same problem with my Traveller RPG blog after I posted a bunch of starship stats on it.


Thanks to porn spam, I am closing comments on each post after 7 days.