Monday, August 27, 2007

Bill At Screenwriting Expo 2007

Okay, here is my final schedule for the Screenwriting Expo October 25-28, 2007. Here is the Expo's home page: Screenwriting Expo 2007

You may notice these are the exact same classes I did last year - that wasn't the original plan, but the Expo changed management this year and there was a bit of a SNAFU. So I hope to actually bring something new to these classes... and *next year* I'll do Noir and High Adventure and Subversive Cinema and some of the other classes I've developed. Actually, anyone who reads this and has a "What I'd like to know about this subject is...." can post it here and that will help me redesign the classes.

Discount code is:


Registration page:

After the individual chooses either Option 1, The Gold Pass, or Option 2, the Basic 4-Day Pass, that person would enter the above coupon code onto the first Shopping Cart page and click “Apply Coupon.” The coupon will give a $10 discount on either the Gold Pass or Basic until September 14, and on September 15 until the Expo, it will discount the price $30.

William C. Martell -*- (Rated a star speaker in 2005, 2006)

Guerrilla Marketing Your Script -*- Saturday 9:00-10:30am

Course Description: No agent? No problem! How to make your own connections, find producers interested in your script, get readings and studio meetings, sell without an agent or manager. Instructor has sold over 20 scripts without an agent, 17 were filmed. You don't need an agent to sell, just a great script!

Elements of Horror -*- Saturday 11:00-12:30pm

Course Description: From The Ring to Saw and Hostel, horror is hot! You'll learn everything you need to know to write in this genre, from creating dread, loss of free will, fear of the unknown, classic horror (like The Others) vs. Stalk & Slash and Modern Horror. How to create a monster. What do Rosemary's Baby, Night of the Living Dead, The Exorcist, Bride of Frankenstein, The Others, and Open Water have in common? This class will tell you! All of the critical elements necessary to write a script that scares the pants off the audience.

The Naked Character -*- Saturday 3:00-4:30pm

Course Description: How to create original characters that come alive on the page. Story is character, but how do you create those amazing memorable characters? Roles that attract stars? Starting with nothing, you'll learn about active protagonists, visual characterization, distinctive dialogue, and character moments. Dozens of character creation techniques!

Action & Suspense Scenes -*- Saturday 5:00-6:30pm

Course Description: Become a master of suspense! Creating action scenes that show character and suspense scenes that keep the audience on the edge of their seats! Proper use of violence. The 15 iconic suspense scenes and why they work. Instructor has many *produced* action and thriller scripts.

High Concept Hollywood -*- Sunday 11:00-12:30pm

Course Description: How to find and develop ideas that Hollywood is looking for and you are passionate about. A great script with a dull idea is a dull script. Learn tools like Magnification, Flipping, Substitution, Cousins, Word Association, why High Concept is *Your* Concept, finding your personal themes in high concept ideas.

Description & Visual Storytelling -*- Sunday 3:00-4:30pm

Course Description: Sure, your dialogue's great, but description is 50% of your screenplay and film is a visual medium. Is half your script in trouble? Technique-based class with 25 ways to improve description, create hidden camera angles, tell your story visually. Decisions, metaphors, symbolism, why pictures are worth a thousand words.

So that is what I'm doing at the Expo. Come hear my classes live, and make sure you say hello.

- Bill


  1. They didn't hire me like they promised, but I will be working as a volunteer again, hopefully in the same capacity as last year. Call me if you need some water or a DVD player.

  2. I have a good friend in England who has been in your chat room about 8 or 9 months ago and had it out with someone there... either way, I am looking forward to attending this year, and would like to attend to one of your seminars/classes. Is volunteering options open this year to help? Would love to try if possible? Tell me, where is the code for th discounts? Thanks!

  3. What...and you sleep when you're dead?

    Busy dude.

  4. I am interested in each of your classes, especially the ones for horror and character. I've been going through the screenwriting expo catalog and trying to watch (and take notes even!) on movies mentioned in seminars I want to take. I've made note of the ones you mention for the horror seminar, but are there any other movies you recommend for your other classes? Thanks for teaching!


Thanks to porn spam, I am closing comments on each post after 7 days.