Thursday, July 12, 2007

Return Of The... well, not the king or the jedi...

I'm back in Los Angeles, typing in Starbucks, and I don't feel as bad as I should. Often, I have delayed jet lag - first day is okay, second day it hits. I've also have delayed hang overs.

From the time I stepped on the plane at Heathrow in London to the time I dragged my luggage into my apartment - 22 hours. Add 4 hours waiting for the plane in Heathrow, a little over an hour getting to Heathrow from my hotel, and two hours after the travel alarm went off but before I left for Heathrow... and you have almost 30 hours since I last slept or showered.

You know, that doesn't really sound like much...but it's being in a crowded airport or a cramped plane that makes it suck.

Anyway, I'm back.

I've decided to do some low-key projects for the next week - I have hundreds of articles, enough for 5-6 new books, and I need to catalogue them. When I first began writing for Script all of my articles were about writing specifically for indie movies and producers... and for a year I wrote a screenwriting column focusing on indie screenwriting for the Independent Film Channel Magazine. Plus I have the Indie Red Book and CD class. Now, some of these articles have duplicate info, some of the articles and info haven't been seen in over a decade. I need to find out what I have and which is the best version and start to rewrite the articles with new examples and fill in some new material... and end up with a book. Lots of "stupid work".

And I'm just the guy to do it.

- Bill

1 comment:

  1. Bill, does it make you think twice about doing these classes in faraway places? I bet however great a trip might be, it's always greater to be back home. :)


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