Tuesday, January 22, 2008

And the nominees are...

Best Original screenplay
Juno - Diablo Cody
Lars and the Real Girl - Nancy Oliver
Michael Clayton - Tony Gilroy
Ratatouille - Brad Bird
The Savages - Tamara Jenkins

Best Adapted screenplay
Atonement - Christopher Hampton
Away From Her - Sarah Polley
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - Ronald Harwood
No Country For Old Men - Joel & Ethan Coen
There Will Be Blood - Paul Thomas Anderson

So - what do you think of these nominees? Which movies have you seen? What scripts do you think deserve the nomination more? Anyone catch Diablo Cody on Letterman?

- Bill

PS: The post about my Levis wasn't supposed to go up until the end of the week - so I put it back in the vault. Let's look at the Oscar Nominees first.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm back....

Good to be back...

Good to leave...

Just good to be going somewhere.

The excitement that comes with a possible adventure in the future. *Change* is exciting. Unless you’re looking for change between the cushions of your car at the Jack In The Box drive through... that’s not exciting.

So, I return to Los Angeles, we have a monster rain storm (in LA, a couple of inches of rain means they have to close some roads), then I got hit with a killer cold... and now my nose has stopped running, but my To Do List has grown so *I* have to start running.

- Bill